Archive of ‘Looks’ category

All About Contrast

Viva Las Vegas baby! This was our 5th annual Las Vegas trip in January and we are always so happy to see the sun. Why do we go in January? My husband attends a conference every year and I am fortunate enough to tag along. The weather in January is not particularly warm, usually around 12 […] Read more…

Revolving Doors

This was our first full day in Las Vegas and I was very ready to get my shop on. Besides the incredibly large array of shops you can spend your time and money in, there are many fabulous things to do in Vegas. I think people sometimes have a preconceived notion, that Vegas is all […] Read more…

Fringe Feel

Do you ever look back at a picture and realize you look nothing like you thought you did?  How I am feeling seems to always be written all over my face. Today when I was going through the pictures, I realized, I looked exactly how I felt.  It was a combination of frustration and grey […] Read more…

Party Time

This time of year is full of smiles, anticipation, excitement and lots of parties. It is also very busy and tiring. Which is why we need to slow down, take a breath and truly appreciate what Christmas is about. My favourite part about Christmas is my kids enthusiasm and pure joy when they talk about […] Read more…

70s Revival

With Christmas parties now in full swing, it was a very busy weekend. My husband and I are very fortunate to have help with our kiddo’s. Which makes going to parties and trying new hot spots, possible. It was a beautiful morning and after feeling incredibly grateful to have slept in, we were starving. My husband […] Read more…

50 Shades of Grey

I am a huge fan of Monochromatic looks, if done correctly, they can be very chic and stylish. This look is rather simple, so I shall stick to the basics in the post as well. It all began with this incredible sweater from Storets. I have never ordered from them before but could not pass […] Read more…


My goodness it was cold today, it feels as though Mr. Winter has finally spoken and his icy voice has blown over our city. Today, I must admit, was a quick shoot. With the chill in the air and limited time afforded, my fabulous photographer and I thought, why not stick to one area of […] Read more…

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