December 2015 archive

All Tied Up

Thank you mother nature for giving us a break from the rain today. With the sun shining, we decided it was the perfect day, to get some shots at the abandoned E&N Russell round house. The Esquimalt and Naniamo Railroad, began in 1883 by Sir Robert Dunsmuir, who built the line from Esquimalt to Naniamo, 72 […] Read more…

Fringe Feel

Do you ever look back at a picture and realize you look nothing like you thought you did?  How I am feeling seems to always be written all over my face. Today when I was going through the pictures, I realized, I looked exactly how I felt.  It was a combination of frustration and grey […] Read more…

Party Time

This time of year is full of smiles, anticipation, excitement and lots of parties. It is also very busy and tiring. Which is why we need to slow down, take a breath and truly appreciate what Christmas is about. My favourite part about Christmas is my kids enthusiasm and pure joy when they talk about […] Read more…