April 2015 archive

Appreciation in Pink

 “My daughters love for her stuffy is indescribable as is my love for her”  Today I had a huge wave of appreciation roll over me, so much so it almost brought me to tears. Life can get going so fast some days that is feels like it is faster than the speed of light, I […] Read more…

Tutu lunching at Il Terrazzo

I woke up this morning and was feeling a wee bit off so standing in my closet starring aimlessly into the abyss of clothing, picking out an outfit felt like an impossibly daunting task. I stood there for a good five minutes and than decided if I don’t really feel like getting dressed today I […] Read more…

Oak Bay Marina

Oak Bay Marina is located in South Oak Bay. The Oak Bay beak water was built in 1959, if you turn your head one way you are looking at Turkey Head Point and looking to the other you shall finding yourself gazing over at Mary Tod Island, wherever your eyes may draw you the views are […] Read more…